Some words on the 1940 conversion This patch will : add totally new vehicles graphic and some shadows shifting between tanks replace old datas with all new datas regarding teams , vehicles , weapons , Teamdesc , soldiers redraw many gadgets pictures like tanks silhouettes and flags ( im unable to change victory locations flags ) also ive included some battles for immediate action ( BEWARE 'Warta Line' and 'Belgium 1940' must be played with my map at ( Frantzmap ) at 101 and 'SUSSEX End ' with Mick's map ( new Veghel bridge ) . The installation is ver easy simply extract all the contents of a zip file in the CC2 folder with the same name replacing all existing files . REMEMBER you need a FULL install to play it . CHANGES BR Army INTO British Army BR Para INTO British Home Guard US Army INTO French Army US Para INTO Belgian Army PO Para INTO PO Army GE Army INTO GE Army GE FJ INTO Italian Army GE SS INTO German Elite troops The period covered by the patch is from september 1939 to first half of 1941 MY Thanks TO Mick ( Help , conversion of file ) Piotr ( Help , conversion of file ) Adam ( the one who started all ) Saruman ( my italian Friend for Italian and french tanks ) Fox - Das Fuchs ( For the very impressive german graphic ) Emmanuel ( a french that helped me with datas ) Cappy R ( for gadgets and background noises :) ) Ryan and Clay ( for the time loss uploading our files and the site ) Atomic ( who made the better game ever ) Richard A. Moffitt (team datas)